
Thursday, April 29, 2004

Starting on the Left Foot 

And away we go... This is my first venture into the world of blogging. I feel sure I will break a few of the rules of blogging before I am done, but you have to start somewhere.

Who am I? I guess you could say I am just another part of the liberal education establishment, who also happens to be just another liberal government worker, who also just happens to be another Bush hater.

I like to think, though, that I can bring a different perspective. Growing up in Tennessee made me learn to defend my beliefs from a young age. I have a clear memory of explaining to my elementary school classmates why voting for Michel Dukakis was so important to me. Growing up as a moderate Southern Baptist also made things interesting - not many people understand that you CAN be Baptist and liberal... sadly enough, liberals seem to be the ones who have the most trouble figuring that out.

Anyway - what do I want to talk about? A lot of politics, of course. Probably some religion and culture thrown in, cause in po-mo America it all plays into each other whether we want it to or not. I am heavily influenced by This Modern World, South Knox Bubba, and CalPundit (now at the Washington Monthly). Will I ever be as good as them?? I hope so. Till then, welcome, and enjoy the ride.

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