
Monday, May 17, 2004

Happy Coincidence 

On TMW today, Tom noted that today was both the 50th anniversary of Brown and the first day of legally sanctioned marriage for gay people.

This got me thinking - it seems appropriate that they are both happening today. Both mark the overturning of a foolish policy that we will be able to look back on 50 years later and wonder why we hadn't figured it out earlier.

Both reflect a horribly misapplied interpretation of the Bible acted out by government, and the realization that theocracy will simply not work in America. Indeed, institutionalized discrimination runs counter to democratic ideals.

It is disturbing that we have a president who does not seem to understand that idea, and whose policies are dictated by such a small, ultraconservative group of people.

However, today is a day to be proud. Proud that we made it this far in battling racism, and recognize the fight ahead in making the big tent even bigger.

Bloviation complete.

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