
Monday, June 07, 2004

On Reagan and Sickness 

First off, sorry for the slow posting. I'm shut in with a nasty little cold.

So, Reagan. To say I am a fan of the guy would be a lie. I am, of course sorry for his family and his close friends. Death always sucks, aside from politics.

But, before the beatification begins, I think we need to recognize a few things (mostly coutesy of the Kos, for which my affinity knows no bounds):

1) He was popular, but not that popular.

2) He turned his back on the AIDS crisis in America when so much could have been prevented.

3) He was, essentially, the instigator of the predecessor groups to the modern Islamic terror organizations, and also of Saddam Hussein.

4) He ran the deficit through the roof, putting the country in debt it is still trying to pay off.

And, as was mentioned today at Daily Kos:

Likely relevant this week, check out this Bob Somerby debunking of the shrill "Democrats politicized the Paul Wellstone memorial" attacks built on lies upon lies by people who obviously didn't watch the event.
Republicans were outraged -- outraged! -- that political discussions would seep into a memorial service. Well, they set the standards. It'll be our job to hold them to those standards.
That said, death is never good.

But the guy was a lousy President.

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