
Thursday, June 23, 2005

It's Time For Rove To Step Down 

UPDATED with link to this morning's WP story - 6/24/05

Karl Rove has gone too far:
Rove, in a speech Wednesday evening to the New York state Conservative Party just a few miles north of Ground Zero, said, "Liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers." Conservatives, he said, "saw the savagery of 9/11 and the attacks and prepared for war."
This is completely unacceptable for the President's top advisor to say. It's completely unacceptable for anyone to say.

If Howard Dean gets strung up for saying Republicans are White and Christian, then Karl Rove should be run out of town on a rail for this. I don't want an apology. While this isn't the first time Republicans have made political hay out of the 9/11 attacks, I want Democrats to make this the last.

Kos has many great links to commentary on this, but his own is very well-put. Also, Hunter points out the rank hypocrisy here by highlighting Karl Rove's role as a treasonous traitor by revealing Valerie Plame's identity as a spy.

Perhaps the most crushing punch to Karl Rove's future is this statement from the families of September 11 victims:
As families whose relatives were victims of the 9/11 terror attacks, we believe it is an outrage that any Democrat, any Republican, any conservative or any liberal, stakes a "high ground" position based upon the September 11th death and destruction. Doing so assumes that all those who died and their loved ones would agree. In truth, some would and some would not. By definition the conduct is divisive and, because it is intended to be self-serving and politicizes 9/11, it is offensive.

We are calling on Karl Rove to resist his temptations and stop trying to reap political gain in the tragic misfortune of others. His comments are not welcome.
Karl Rove must resign, and resign immediately. There is no other acceptable option.

i was more outraged by his reference to durbin. while one could allow some weasel territory for his comments about what "liberals" (rather than democrats) wanted after 9-11, there's no weaseling out of the way he places blame for the damage to our international reputation on people calling out the torturers, rather than blaming the torturers and their chain of command. it's like blaming the FBI for giving the south a bad name whenever they arrest someone for lynching.
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