
Thursday, June 30, 2005

The New Vietnam 

This column from Richard Cohen in the Washington Post is a pretty telling comparison between the Iraq war and the Vietnam War.

I had these same thoughts myself listening to the President in his speech to the nation. It all starts to sound the same after a while, and it becomes clear that naipulation of facts is the name of the game for the administration in a dying effort to prove its relevance.

Dick Cheney is fond of talking about the "last throes" of the insurgency in Iraq. I am sturck with the idea that Bush's speech may be the last throes of his administration. You can hardly go a couple of days without hearing a reference to Bush as a lame duck. He is so bogged down in this quixotic war that it really leaves no room for him to pursue his domestic agenda.

Parallels to Vietnam seem to be cropping up everywhere. It is, as Cohen puts it, "depressing".

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