
Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Bush's Compassion Shows 

So this what Bush means when he says compassionate conservatism. He has spent the last 48 hours playing politics, and apparently playing guitar, instead of coming home from his vacation to figure out how to help the millions of people who are now displaced by Hurricane Katrina. Hell, I just got an e-mail from Howard Dean telling me to give to the Red Cross. At least that shows some concern.

I know there is only so much George can do, but this is practically a Nero-esque moment. Here he is playing the presidential guitar while one of the nation's largest and most recognized cities continues to sink deeper and deeper under flood waters. People continue to die horrific deaths by the hour, and he gives speeches about Social Security and how Iraq is similar to World War II.

As people in Mississippi have put it, this is our tsunami. And where was George?

On vacation. Like he always is.

I'm struck that Bush's message to those in the Gulf Coast can be summed up well in the chord he was playing:

Well TL this is the last post here for me. I was hoping I found someone who might be able to have a bit of intelligent coversation but you are nothing more than a hate spewing liberal without one iota of common sense.
Vacation? I guess if you want to call hour after hour on the phone speaking with world leaders, our national leaders and the press a vacation. Or maybe it was those speeches dealing with Iraq, the gas situation and national policy issues that was his vacation? Or maybe it's just a bunch of morons in the liberal media that like to use that word to denegrade our President. His alleged vacation is so far away from the meaning of the word vacation that even "working" vacation doesn't cover it.
MY President has done fly overs of the disaster areas to see the level of disaster, has spent "HOURS upon HOURS" working to direct relief in the way of funding, manpower and supplies.
THE ONLY THING YOUR PARTY DOES IS TRY TO ASSESS BLAME. Their puny little minds could care less about the people in need and only care on seeing how much damage they can do to a President by trying to place blame instead of dealing with the much more important issue of helping those in need. The Dems are a hatefull, selfish party and should be ashamed of their behaviour.
Keep spewing out that message the libs feed you because I love the damage it does and is still doing to your party.
And wait till your party has to deal with the anger over gasoline as the nation comes to realize that YOUR party's continual
blocking and preventing of the building of new refinaries and the upgrade of the old ones has lead to people freezing, dieing, unable to get people to hospitals, to work and a general plunge in their
quality of life. And then come forward and try to defend your previous stances and we'll see hoe long the Democratic Party lasts!


The president himself calls it vacation. And frankly, if he wants to get out of the White House, taxpayers pay for him to have antire retreat facility called Camp David for just that purpose.

He flew over the disaster on his way back to the office from that vacation. For Hurricane Floyd, Bill Clinton returned from a diplomatic mission in New Zealand - New Zealand, mind you - days early not to respond to the hurricane but to prepare for it.

As I said, and as other have noted, if you want to compare the two parties, you culd look as far as their Web sites - Yesterday's GOP.com Web site was advertising Bush's war speech in California. The DNC Web site was advertising ways to help.

Our "puny little minds," such as those of Sen. Mary Landrieu, have been focused on getting people help, while George Bush continued giving speeches and playing his shiny new guitar.

And while you're in the mood to pass some blame about gasoline issues, this should make us take a much harder look at the ridiculous fuel-efficiency changes passed just last week.

Anyway, sorry you want to leave.
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