
Sunday, November 13, 2005

Interesting Comments Re: School Shooting 

I direct your attention to the comments on the below post about the Campbell County school shooting.

I was actually really skeezed out when the first comment was posted by someone who accused the school's principal of being at fault, so I was glad to see someone add their own opinion to the mix. I know little nothing about the situation there other than what I have seen reported, so I'm in no place to judge the veracity of the comments.

In the days and weeks to come, as CCHS recovers from the tragedy, I think all of us want to gain a richer understanding of how and why this happened. One can only hope, however, that we won't see this devolve into petty politics or an attempt to excuse the situations that made the events possible.

To blame the principal is ridiculous. I had some bad teachers and principals when I was in school but the death sentence is a little tough for being a poor teacher or administrator. Throughout our lives we must deal with difficult people. I suggest we teach our children how to do it in the most constructive way possible.
Pour toutes personnes en cette planète, les plus grands tiennent le premier rôle ne sont pas dans Hollywood, il est au centre de notre système solaire et s'appelle le soleil. La terre est 93 millions de milles du soleil et cette distance est connue en tant qu'une unité astronomique. Chacune des huit planètes dans notre système solaire peut tracer leurs orbites à la force de la gravité du soleil. La chaleur et la lumière, les vents et les marées, les nuits et les jours, l'année et ses saisons, sont tout résultat du soleil et son énorme vie donnant la puissance.
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